Distributing divine love all around the world

Extracts of lectures, quotations, news

25 abr 2010

Visit to Sweden Yatra April 2010

En: This site pretend to collect some thoughts, advises, extracts of lectures, nice moments of the visits of our beloved spiritual master B.A Paramadvaiti Swami to all the yatras around the world.

Es: Este sitio pretende recolectar algunos pensamientos,consejos,extractos de conferencias,momentos lindos de las visitas de nuestro querido maestro espiritual B.A Paramadvaiti Swami, a todos los yatras alrededor del mundo.

Jay srila Gurumaharaj !!!

En: If you are enchanted by Krishna you will chant his name.
Es: Si tu eres encantado por krishna, cantaras su nombre.

Es: One day Gurumaharaj cut a red cabbage in two halves. When you looked inside one of the halves there were beautiful patterns. Gurumaharaj said "Such wonderful art! If any scientist says that God does not exist, we should throw a cabbage at his head, right?"
Es:Un dia Gurumaharaj corto un repollo morado en dos partes. Cuando lo miro por dentro una de las mitades vio que habia patrones hermosos.Gurumaharaj dijo
" !Qué grandioso arte !" Si un cientifico dice que dios no existe,le debemos de arrojar un repollo morado en la cabeza !
En : The volcano eruption in island and all the closed airports is a wonderful example of how helpless we are infront of God.
Mother nature is telling us that we are in need of grace.

Es : La erupción del volcan en islandia y todos los aeropuertos cerrados es un maravilloso ejemplo de como nosotros estamos indefensos ante Dios.
La madre naturaleza nos esta diciendo que estamos tan necesitados de gracia.
En :If you want to understand grace you have to learn how to give.
Es : Si quieres entender la gracia, tienes que aprender a dar.
En : Are you one of those very unfortunate souls that don't appreciate the ones around you until you loose them?
Es : Don't expect to be a pure devotee. Just try your best to represent your spiritual master.
NO esperes ser un devoto puro.Solo trata de hacer lo mejor para representar a tu maestro espiritual.

En :Worshipping the devotees means to preach for the rest of your life.
Es : Adorar a los devotos significa predicar por el resto de tu vida.
Chant hare krishna and be happy...
Canta hare krishna y se feliz :=)
En : You will find Him through those who love him.
Es : Tu lo encontraras a él, através de aquellos que lo aman.

En: Some nectar from the visit of Gurumaharaj to sweden Yatra ...
Es: Un poco del nectar de la visita de Gurumaharaj a Suecia Yatra...