Guru Maharaj arrived from Mexico and Guatemala and due to inconveniences the tour to Hawaii was suspended and he decided to remain the rest of the time in Miami reviewing projects, designing new plans and communicating with various devotes around the world.
Guru Maharaja llego desde su gira de Mexico y Guatemala, debido a inconvenientes la gira a Hawaii fue suspendida y Guru Maharaja decidio pasar todo el tiempo en Miami, revisando proyectos, diseniando nuevos planes y comunicandose internacionalmente con varios devotos del mundo.
They were intense days of hard work and Miami Mandir was blessed with so much mercy. Guru Maharaja’s secretaries on a daily basis were involved coordinating different projects, P. Pancatattwa, P Kalki Avatar, M Gandarvika were following up and handling various projects from the master’s plan.
Fueron dias intensos de trabajo y mucha misericordia para Miami Mandir. Los secretarios de Guru Maharaja estuvieron casi todo el dia pendiente de coordinar diferentes proyectos, P. Pancatattwa, P Kalki avatar, M Gandarvika estaban pendientes de los diferentes proyectos del plan
Everyday Guru Maharaj followed a good balanced nutrition for his health.
Todos los dias Guru Maharaja llevo una nutricion sana y balanceada para su salud.
On July 10th Artist Janeatte Romeu (Venu Gita Dsi) invited Guru maharaja over to her home for lunch along with Raddhanti Maharaj, Imlitala dasi, Kalki Avatar das and Gournitay das. Later, Sringarvat dasi arrived with a cake to celebrate Venu Gita dasi’s birthday. Due to the ocassion; Guru Maharaja took this opportunity to do a recording of mantras chanted by the present devotees.
El 10 de Julio la artista Janeatte Romeu (Venu Gita dasi) invito a su casa a Guru Maharaja para un almuerzo junto a Raddhanti Maharaj, Imlitala dasi, Kalki Avatar das y Gournitay das. Luego Sringarvat dasi llego con una torta para celebrar el cumpleanios deVenu Gita dasi; Guru Maharaja aprovecho la ocasion para hacer una grabacion de mantras juntos con los devotos presentes.
On July 11th we held a fire ceremony were two new devotees got initiated, both professionals, a therapeutic psycologist named RajaRam das and a well known pediatric, naturopatic doctor from Cuba now named Padmavati dasi.
EL 11 de Julio tuvimos ceremonia de iniciacion el templo de Miami, se iniciaron dos nuevos devotos, ambos profesionales, un psicologo terapeuta llamado RajaRam das y una importante doctora pediatra y naturopata de cuba ahora llamada Padmavati dasi.
On July 12th Guru Maharaj was invited to record a TV program for national television, the note will be transmitted in few more days. The message focuses on Vegetarianism.
El 12 Guru Maharaj fue invitado a la grabacion de un programa de televion nacional, la nota va a ser transmitida en unos dias mas y esta enfocada al mensaje de vegetarianismo.
On July 13th one of the world’s most important personalities in the field of nature conservation and environment protection, Dr. Vandana Shiva, visited Miami to give a conference. Guru Maharaja attended with the company of Siddhanta prabhu (leader of New Hampshire), Imlitala dasi (holistic therapist) and Kalki Avatar das.
El dia 13 de Julio una de las personalidades mas importantes del mundo en el area de conservacion de la naturaleza y proteccion del medio ambiente, la Dra Vandana Shiva, visito Miami para dar una conferencia. Guru Maharaja fue junto a Siddhanta prabhu (lider de New Hampshire), Imlitala dasi (terapeuta holistica) y Kalki avatar das.
Guru Maharaja has been supporting the message of Vandana Shiva for many years, mainly the focus of protecting the seeds and embrace humanity with the vision that we are all citizens of this planet and every important decision that we make that affects life, should be made not by the government but by the citizens of this planet.
Desde hace anios Guru Maharaja a dado soporte al mensaje de Vandana Shiva, principalmente del enfoque en protejer las semillas y abrazar a la humanidad bajo la vision que todos somos ciudadanos de este planeta y que toda decision importante que afecte la vida debe ser tomada no por gobiernos, sino por los ciudadanos del planeta.
Guru Maharaja then traveled to Puerto Rico from July 14th to the 17th. P Vaisnava, P Prabhupadanuga, P Vrajavasi, and other devotees organized beautiful days of preaching in the famous Island.
Luego Guru Maharaja viajo para Puerto Rico desde el 14 al 17 de Julio. P Vaisnava, P Prabhupadanuga, P Vrajavasi y demas devotos se encargaron de organizar unos lindos dias de predica en la famosa "isla del encanto".
In his return many more programs and visits awaited for Guru Maharaja. Artists, filantropos, environment activists, vegetarian activists, all desired to come in and interview with Guru Maharaja and learn more about our mission and labor.
A su regreso mas visitas y mas programas esperaban por Guru Maharaja, artistas, filantropos, activistas del medio ambiente, activistas vegetarianos, todos ellos venian a querer entrevistarse con Guru Maharaja y conocer mas de cerca la labor de nuestra mision.