Distributing divine love all around the world

Extracts of lectures, quotations, news

10 abr 2010

Berlin Mela 2010

Presentation of the book Satto Vrtteh english version.
Gurumaharaj ki jay !!!!!! Vaisnava Vrinda Ki jayyy !!!
"You see in the indian markets you can find many deites, there are deities shops ,they have thousands of dieites, but when a deity has been purchase or made and then his devotee, devotee of krishna requests that krishna may descend into this deity then something mystical ocurrs.It is called avatar descend and the descend of the murti is called arca avatar descend.There are many different types of avatars and shaktiavesa avatar is when the special power of the lord descends through a particular individual and the arca avatar descends after the apropiated celebration of the prana pratistha with all the invocation mantras wich are actually given by the sampradaya by the great teachers of the past like secret formulas wich make krishna wish to descend.
When a devotee is engaged with the service of the deity is actually understood to have taken his third birth,first birth is mother and father,second birth when the guru gives you gayatri mantra. The time a person takes his second birth and is inagurated throught the siksa guru sampradaya his spiritual awarness is born, but the spiritual awarness brings you to want to have a commitement, a personal strong conection with krishna through iniciation, then after iniciation when you are introduce to serve the lord on the altar and learning all the arcana process you are actually entering to the third birth, meaning the direct birth on serving the lord personally,cooking for him,touching him,doing many different things for him. This is extraordinary. Extract of the lecture " How to understand the worship of deities"
B.A Paramadvaiti Swami
"Prana pratistha is a moment when there is a request generated by the devotees of the lord to krishna, to please descend an accept their worship.
God is very mercyfull and god loves everyone, but still when there is a very commmited connnection it is much more intensive,when a devotee request krishna please come, i want you to give the chance to the children of my family to be able to serve you personally then the lord grants his grace and descend in the form of the arca vigraha."
Extract of the lecture " How to understand the worship of deities" B.A Paramadvaiti Swami

"What a glory if we could stop being an obstacle in the river of mercy, and maybe even enhance the flow."

"There is always someone smiling at you in the material world. It's the smile of death, my dear."

"If you glorify someone on the cost of another, your glorification is not accepted and your offense is not neglected." (Said in connection to glorification of one's own Guru, but disrespect towards other Gurus.)

"You might in one hundred lifetimes not even inspire 10 people to become devotees. It depends on divine grace."

"Was the individuality given to us only for the purpose of eliminating it?"

"It's a humbling experience to be a part of a whole, but not know anything about it."

More nectar...

"Only perfection can satisfy the craving of the imperfect."

reporter shyamanada prabhu (sweden yatra)

The Easter Mela 2010 was hold in Neu Sammit, Germany.
That was a great mix of gurumaharaj swami Paramadvaiti singing and giving lectures. There was nice prasad, workshops, music, dancing, bhajans, standup comedy, theater, japa walks to the forest, swim in the cold lake, devotees sharing stories, having fun, chanting and much more. We were also at a kirtan going to the Brandenburg gate in Berlin.

A piece of nectar....
extract from the lecture " The descend of mercy"
First we hear about god
that is sound
we hear that people ask,god ? you're talking about god? how is god?
oh! he is the one who spoke this book
you mean this book
this book describe the lord of the creation?
is that what you're trying to say
yes, as the book says
bhagavad gita
bhagavat is god, and gita is the song
the song of god
Bhagavadgita the song of god

Can you beleive that?,should you beleived it?
is a very interesting question.
the vedas,they go in a very peculiar way
Krishna says: after you listen what i said
Do what you think is right
Don't beleive it, if you don´t beleive it
Don't force yourself
Don't artificially make a show
If you beleieve it, then you're very lucky if you beleive it, then is nice to listen and come to a class. ,
If you don't beleive in that, if you don't want to come,we will not go out on the street and tell you HAVE to come to a class,nobody will say that to you.
Nobody will tell you, you HAVE to chant this name
nobody will tell you ,you HAVE to offer your food, no way.
Imposition is not in the world of love, so everything what you hear in the temple and what you see in the temple is meant to be accepted if you accept it,if it touches your heart,if it gives you the answer you are looking for, if you rejoice, if you dance in happiness.

reporter sudharshan prabhu (sweden yatra)